Monday, August 17, 2009

Otter Release on Saturday

Monterey Bay Aquarium released a young, surrogate reared otter on Saturday - good luck #451!!

See the full story here.

This is a good article to share with the dive instructors at Breakwater because many of them are not "otter friendly" after our good, but yet unidentified, friend continues to go out and play with/pop multiple dive floats on any given weekend.

I did call the aquarium about this strange behavior and they encouraged the dive community to stay patient - breakwater is the otter's home, not the divers!! They also stated that the oft repeated myth that the otter that frequents breakwater is a released otter from the aquarium is not true - this is a wild otter and has not been raised by humans or surrogates in the aquarium. This wild otter could be showing sings of aggression towards the divers by popping the floats or could have simply learned that "floats are fun" all on it's own.

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